While I missed out on Rhinebeck this year (I think I was the only one not there), I did find an LYS on the way to southern Illinois. River Wools in Terre Haute has quite an extensive selection of great yarns. I have been in the market for some Euroflax as I want to make a Mason-Dixon Bubbly Curtain for my kitchen window.
The "pure white" skeins are for the curtain, the multicolored skein for another M-D project, the Moss Grid Hand Towel.
Aloo is from Himalaya Yarn, made in Nepal from the Himalayan nettle plant. It feels like rough linen.
I plan to use it for a string bag and/or a wash mitt.
If yarn was not birthday treat enough, when I got back to town, my daughter presented me with this book...
... and flowers...
...and a fajita dinner (with beer!), which I wolfed down before thinking to take a picture. I should be the one treating her, though, as she kept Betsy while I was gone.
Next time: vacation knitting.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday a little bit late. That's crazy that you almost forgot it!
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