Sunday, January 09, 2022

Change o' pace

In the past, the January weaving guild meeting was sparsely attended due to a combination of weather, travel, illness, etc. This year, the leadership decided to make the January meeting a Zoom meeting, with no business to discuss. It wasn't very well attended, either, but I really enjoyed informally chatting about weaving. And since we were all in our own homes, we got a glimpse of how the others live. I hope we can continue this as a new tradition, either via Zoom or in person.

The spinning guild's year starts in January, and we are trying something different there, too - co-presidents instead of a president and vice president. Two relatively new members stepped up and are generating some excitement before we have even had our first meeting of the year. It's time to shake things up a bit.

Knitting: I finished the garter scarf I've been knitting for my SO. Then I turned around and started an "infinity scarf" with the yarn I received at the spinning guild xmas party. The Habitation throw is ready to be grafted.
Weaving: I hemmed the latest waffle weave wash cloths, so that is another project out of the UFO pile. I worked up some Brooks bouquet samples for kitchen curtains, but I'm not sure what they taught me other than using the swatch maker may not be the best way to weave samples.
There is a local organization called the Build Guild. It provides space and equipment for "makers". My SO and I decided to join, to have somewhere to play with clay. There are pottery wheels, but we prefer to hand build; there is a slab roller I'm itching to try. Someone runs the kilns, so we don't have to mess with firing our pieces. It also gives us a place to store our tools and such, so less mess at home. We'll see how this new activity works out for us.

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