Saturday, January 22, 2022

I couldn't help myself

I told myself to finish the infinity scarf *before* starting another Habitation throw, but did I listen? No. I thought just arranging the bits and bobs of leftover sock yarn would satisfy me, but did it? No. I just had to start a new one. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the fun slows down once there are 100+ stitches on the needles.

Knitting: For this iteration of the Habitation throw, I plan to make it rectangular instead of square. And I *did* finish knitting the infinity scarf; I just need to bind off.

Weaving: The sample on the SampleIt loom continues to grow. There are several flavors of leno, a little Brooks bouquet, and a few other open weaving experiments. I plan to finish up with doup leno - using cotton heddles to speed up the finger weaving process.

I went to the eye doctor the other day for my annual exam. Of course, I need new glasses *again* but they are able to reuse the same frames. It looks like big lenses are coming back in fashion; I should have saved my frames from the 1980's.

Once again, I am fighting a cold, my third one this season. One (of many) great thing about retirement is if you feel under the weather, you can just rest and recuperate. And knit.

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