Saturday, January 01, 2022

Happy New Year!

Not much happening around here other than the holidays. I basically took a hiatus from fiber for the duration. I've also been shredding a year's worth of paper. Whatever happened to a paperless society?

For xmas, I let my guests choose items from a binful of finished objects. There are a lot of shawls that no one wanted, but I did get rid of some hats and scarves. Shawls are fun to knit, but I rarely wear them, and apparently no one else does either. Most of them are handwash, which limits their usefulness as well, but they may end up in the donation box.

A while back, I became rather excited about making some fiber resolutions for the new year. One idea was to actually execute most of the patterns in my weaving books, as there is something to learn from each pattern. Unfortunately, many of the recommended yarns and/or the colorways have been discontinued, and I'm a bit stymied as to substitutions. I did purchase some yarn for specific weaving projects that I can do, but I have yet to warp, let alone weave anything.

Do you have any fiber plans for the coming year?

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