Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Seed stitch dishcloths

For some reason, probably because of the heat and humidity, I don't like to knit wool during the summer even though I have an air conditioned house that protects me from the elements. Instead, I gravitate to cotton. Well, summer is over, and so is the cotton knitting.

Pattern: Alaina's Simple Seed Stitch Dishcloth, by Alaina Privette
Yarn: Pisgah Yarn and Dyeing Co. Peaches & Creme Ombres, in 'Shaded Pastels'
Needles: US7 (cast on and bind off with US8)
Modifications: None

It feels like knitting seed stitch takes twice as long as just knitting or just purling, as the yarn has to be moved front-to-back or back-to-front for each stitch. But once you build up a rhythm, it doesn't seem so bad.

There is a stack of handknit dishcloths by my front door, free to visitors, but apparently I have saturated the market. I still have a LOT of worsted weight cotton that doesn't seem suitable for much of anything else, but I will put a pause on dishcloths for a while.

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