Saturday, October 15, 2022

Supporting the arts

This past year or so, I have purchased some art. My budget doesn't allow for big ticket items, but I enjoy supporting emerging artists as well as the lesser known. A while back, I bought some weavings from Marcos Bautista during the Three Rivers Festival "Art in the Park" event. He also sells the items his family weaves in the Paradigm Gallery at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art. That organization has a "Second Thursday" event where an artist from the shop demonstrates his/her art. This past week, it was Marcos! Besides getting to see how the weaving is done, up close and personal, I purchased a 2.5' x 5' rug that is NOT going on the floor. I laid it across the foot of my bed for now, but it will eventually go on the wall over the bedstead.

Knitting: Finished one seed stitch dishcloth, started another. I think that will be the last one for a while.
Weaving: Did some finishing work on the tapestry curves sampler - added beads, etc. Separate post to follow. I also started another wall hanging on the frame loom, using that jumbo bulky yarn; it will be mostly soumak. Also, I decided to turn some cloth I wove a long time ago (meant to be a blanket) into two shawls; it's ready for fringe twisting.

A little sewing has occurred. Well, not really sewing, as the "Blizzard" fleece is a "no-sew" fabric. I purchased a LOT of it on sale from Joann (never buy anything there that is not on sale and/or without a coupon) with the intention of making somewhat pet-proof covers for the furniture. The dogs are not allowed on the furniture except the TV sofa, and the cover I use for that is getting very worn. The cats can't be trained to stay off the furniture, let alone not puke on it, so I wanted something I could yank off and throw into the washer. So far, the recliner is protected. Of course, I have not seen a cat on that chair since I added the cover.

I have a date for my next shoulder replacement: November 30. I am both looking forward to it and dreading it. On the one hand, there's the discomfort, and the recovery is kind of tedious (six weeks in the sling, six weeks of physical therapy). On the other hand, it will be great to have two working, painfree shoulders again.

Have an easy week!

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