Nothing like turning what should have been a simple project into an ordeal....

I had some extra cashmere blend yarn leftover from another project, so I decided to surprise my daughter with some arm warmers. The pattern, free from
Lion Brand, called for three colors and I had only one, so I bought more yarn to go with the original yarn. The arm warmers knit up quickly, and my daughter tried them on, but 1) they were too big, and 2) they are not her style. (Note to self: Ask before knitting.)

But my SO liked the arm warmers and the way they fit. Since I wanted to reserve the cashmere blend for my daughter's sensitive skin, I decided to make his pair from Encore worsted. I didn't care for the 3-color pattern, so I opted for just charcoal and black. And I did not have enough yarn on hand (again), so I purchased
more yarn. (Note to self: Ask twice, knit once.)

The arm warmers knit up just as quickly the second time around. I adjusted the increases in the pattern to snug up the wrist section, and added a decrease to taper the finger section. Usually, when I alter a pattern, the results are horrible, so I was quite pleased with myself. (Note to self: Pride goeth before a fall.)

Friday night I decided to wrap up this project. Practicing that invisible seam method I learned from an "advanced beginner" knitting class, I zipped up the side, forgetting to leave a hole for the thumb.
Grrr! I pulled out the stitches to where the thumb hole should be and restitched, not realizing I had the arm warmer upside down.
Grrr!! Again, I pulled out stitches and restitched, getting the arm warmer rightside up but still misplacing the thumb hole.
Grrr!!! Fourth time's the charm, though, and I admired my hard won seam. (See previous note to self.)

Since I had already made every mistake possible, I expected the second arm warmer to be a breeze, but no-o-o-o. I managed to repeat not one, but two of the mistakes made on the previous arm warmer.
Gaaa! Sewing two side seams took as long as knitting one arm warmer.

But this story does have a happy ending: I finished the arm warmers by bedtime and my SO loves them.