Speaking of the son, I gave him the cream-colored IU socks, sans the IU logo. I could not figure out how to do the logo on ribbing, and it was just as well because, even though I used US5 needles with worsted weight Moda Dea Washable Wool, the socks are very snug.
I also gave him the too-loose-on-me socks, and they fit him perfectly.
Meanwhile, I bailed on the Undulating Rib socks because, quite frankly, I cannot count. I kept the k3,p1,k1,p1 ribbing at the top of the cuff, though, and after 1.5 inches, segued into a 6-stitch "twin rib" pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks (for which this photo does not do justice). And, once again, I am working from both ends of the skein. I'm a little nervous about having enough yarn. I thought the skein felt a bit light, and it was, by 4g. Hopefully, I won't need that missing yarn.
(Do you ever wonder if some less-than scrupulous people ever buy a skein of yarn, relieve it of a few yards to finish a project, then return the rest to the store for a full refund?)
Meanwhile, I have run into a bit of a quandary about the red-red-red sweater. The pattern I am using in a general way calls for stitch increases every 5 rows, up to a given stitch count, then more knitting until the sleeves are 15 inches long. Well, I am going to reach 15 inches before I achieve the stitch count. So do I continue knitting until I achieve the stitch count, even though the sleeves will be about 3 inches longer than called for? I think my arms can accommodate the longer sleeves, whereas I'm not sure the sweater will be as forgiving of a reduced stitch count on the sleeves. My lack of sweater-knitting experience is showing.
Thanks to Ally's comment, I discovered that Zappo's sells Earth Shoes, and shore 'nuff, they list the dimensions. But now I have a new problem: the boots I like and that I think will fit cost $230. Hear that choking noise? That's my inner Scrooge squeezing the pocketbook.
While I generally have no problem spending other people's money, $230 choked me up a little too! Ouch!!
Those socks look great - I wish I was "there" yet. I'm so far behind on my Christmas knitting and blogging and everything else that I can't possibly start something new... *sigh*
I would go fro the stitch count. If the sleeve is not comfortable will you wear it?
and yes there are people out there. I visited my lys and the owner was really upset and she told me that someone had tried to return yarn saying she didn't need it and didn't use it but anyone could tell that it was used. she even weighed it and well it was almost half an ounce lighter. Then the person got really nasty about what difference would half an ounce make. So yes there are people out there.
I have also seen people snip about a yard of yarn in michaels to bring home so they could see if the color matches.
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